So my 3 year old daughter loves to color and draw. Recently my husband got an Ipad and added a program for Callie to color on while in the car on the way to daycare. She's quite artistic for someone so young.
Here are a couple of samples of her drawings....

Check out her rendition of Sponge Bob, done on the Ipad.
So even though i was born and raised in Ontario, Canada i still to this day hate Winter. It's cold and i hate being cold, i'm sure a lot of people hate being cold. I am wearing more layers which is not very flattering, because big sweaters tend to make you look bigger than you really are.
The one nice thing i like about winter is the knitting projects i get to do. I made my daughter Callie a hat and am currently working on her scarf. Also the hubby wants a Chullo hat. One thing i'm finding is that it's very difficult to find a pattern for a Chullo hat. Normal mens hats, cable hats, yes i can find, but a Chullo. I can find a childs Chullo hat pattern and i'm sure i'd get told to just change it to make for an adult, but i'm sort of a new knitter and am not that experienced quite as of yet to do that on my own.
So if anyone knows of a Chullo Pattern hat for men, please pass it along!?
So recently Callie has become such a little mommy's girl. Mommy you wash my hair, you go night night with me and it goes on. Even though i want to say no it's daddy's turn how can i resist that face and say no.