Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A little artist on our hands....

So my 3 year old daughter loves to color and draw. Recently my husband got an Ipad and added a program for Callie to color on while in the car on the way to daycare. She's quite artistic for someone so young.

Here are a couple of samples of her drawings....

Check out her rendition of Sponge Bob, done on the Ipad.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Boooo to Winter!

So even though i was born and raised in Ontario, Canada i still to this day hate Winter. It's cold and i hate being cold, i'm sure a lot of people hate being cold. I am wearing more layers which is not very flattering, because big sweaters tend to make you look bigger than you really are.

The one nice thing i like about winter is the knitting projects i get to do. I made my daughter Callie a hat and am currently working on her scarf. Also the hubby wants a Chullo hat. One thing i'm finding is that it's very difficult to find a pattern for a Chullo hat. Normal mens hats, cable hats, yes i can find, but a Chullo. I can find a childs Chullo hat pattern and i'm sure i'd get told to just change it to make for an adult, but i'm sort of a new knitter and am not that experienced quite as of yet to do that on my own.

So if anyone knows of a Chullo Pattern hat for men, please pass it along!?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My darling angel!

So recently Callie has become such a little mommy's girl. Mommy you wash my hair, you go night night with me and it goes on. Even though i want to say no it's daddy's turn how can i resist that face and say no.



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another baby knitted set.

This was done for another co-worker/friend who is expecting her first baby. I am so excited to find out what she has in the end! Before i decided to make the baby gifts i asked Jen what her color preference was. She picked a really nice green/white combo.




Monday, October 18, 2010

Some new knitting stuff!

So i know this blog hasn't been updated in like forever. I've been slacking on all of the blogs.

But alas i have some new posts! :D Lots of baby knitted stuff! Hats, blankets, sweaters. Lots of friends who are expecting!

This sweater set was for my co-worker friend Deanna who just welcome baby #2 last week. She was expecting a girl and of course i had to make some cute baby stuff for her. I started with a baby sweater which was absolutely adorable! 2nd i made her a baby blanket. Every baby should have a home made baby blanket. The last thing i made was a baby hat. This was the most simple hat i have ever made.
(I used my daughter as the model for the sweater)





Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh Monday!

For some reason i wish i could just sleep a couple of hrs extra on a Monday before heading to work. But at least i only have a 3 day work week which is awesome! The hubby and i with 4 other couples are heading to Boston, MA this Thursday for a weekend getaway. Everyone's children are away visiting family or friends and the parents get to enjoy some adult company. We have a full on itinerary for this coming weekend unsure how much of it i'll actually do. In the meantime i'm just looking forward to my 3 day work week and then vacation for 5 days. :D

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Knitting Projects

So lately i've been knitting a lot. I find it's a total de-stresser and i try to do it every night. During my vacation last week i started a baby blanket for a friend who is expecting their first baby. Currently i have a number of friends who are expecting and nothing is better than a home made baby blanket or outfit.

This is a baby blanket for a friend who doesn't know what they are having.

This is a baby sweater i am making in Purple yarn but a co-worker who is expecting her first baby girl.

Oh Bon Jovi! How i love thee.

First off let me say that I've been seeing Bon Jovi since the Keep the Faith tour back in '93. I was 15 and had already had a deep appreciation for Bon Jovi (Thanks to my mother for that one :))
I believe i even still have that ticket stub which i need to find and post. That concert they were also taping for the In These Arms video and i remember hoping to get taped for the video! (at Maple Leaf Gardens)
This has been a tradition of mine and my mother's to see Bon Jovi together everytime they come to Toronto. I have seriously lost count on how many times i've seen them live. I've even seen them twice in a row, back to back in Toronto at the ACC!

Here are a couple of the shows i've seen.
Bon Jovi - St. Denis Theatre - Montreal - Dec 6-94 (We did a Road Trip for that one)
Bon Jovi - Molson Amphitheatre - September 3-95
Bon Jovi - Air Canada Center - November 11-2000
Bon Jovi - Molson Amp - July 17-2001
Bon Jovi - Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 -That year we did the Auction and paid some good coin for some awesome seats!
Bon Jovi - Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON - Thu, Dec 6, 2007
Bon Jovi - Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON - Tue, Jul 20, 2010

I know there are more dates in there I just need to find them. :)

My husband says it's a problem or an obsession. I say the opposite, i say it's love for the band and there music. Which it is, I've always been into Rock Music, OK who am i kidding i have the biggest crush on Richie Sambora. I was 13 and i was determined i was going to marry him. Never married him and have never met him. But when you hear him play or even sing how can you not love that man!
So on Tuesday July 20-10 Bon Jovi came back into Toronto but this time in a bigger venue, The Rogers Centre. At first i didn't really know what to think as I've never seen a concert there before and didn't really know what to expect. For the most part big venues tend to echo with noise but surprisingly it didn't. It was an awesome show and i think by far there best show. I've seen a number of Bon Jovi shows and i found they were always predictable, i knew just by the beginning cord what song was next. This time around they changed it up and in a good way!
They started with Blood on Blood, even played Runaway (They've played that in the past so it's nice to see that they still play it live) So many of the classics were played throughout the night. Now i will admit one song really touched my heart as it is my favorite song and has always been my favorite. For the past number of years Bon Jovi has always played this song as an Accoustic version. This year they played Bed of Roses as the original version which i was so happy about. My favorite part of that song is Richie's solo. That is an amazing solo and sends goose bumps up and down my arms when i hear it. When they played it live i couldn't help but shed a tear (those who know me know i'm not much of a crier)
I thought i'd share some of my photos here as well as i got some great shots!


How can you not love this man!






I have a ton more on my Flickr it was hard showing them all! Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Daddy is in so much trouble!!!

Last night i decided to do some Retail Therapy. I find when i have a bad week at work i tend to do some retail therapy. It helps, except this time, i couldn't really find anything so of course that just made me more depressed. Now i know why i have so many shoes, purses and accessories. Clothes are somewhat depressing to shop for. Callie came with me last night and she was so cute when looking at shoes for me. She'd pick up a pair, lift up her foot and put it against her shoe and would say, 'mommy it fits.' So darn cute. :D Here is Callie trying on a sparkly pink high heel shoe. It's the Barbie collection none the less. Daddy is in so much trouble.

Monday, May 31, 2010


This weekend i had a surprise 5th Year Anniversary party for my sister and her husband. It was a complete surprise and i'm glad as i've been planning this party for months. A photo op came up with just the girls. My two sisters and my mom.

From left to right. My sister Jessica, myself, my younger sister Taylor and my mom.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

mmmm cookies

There is nothing more than home made chocolate chip cookies. Of course i tend to bake for people at work especially when i have my sales guys visiting me from out of town. My one co-worker DJ is a huge and i mean huge chocolate fan. So i kept it simple with chocolate chip cookies w/ chunks of dark chocolate. He loves his dark chocolate. :D

Don't these look so good!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

2nd Attempt at the golf club cover

So this was my 2nd attempt as i modified the pattern a bit to make it smaller. I still need to make a couple of modifications on the pattern and do two different colors on it as well. The yarn i used was a Worested weighted yarn.






First attempt at a golf club cover

So a buddy of mine wanted to buy golf club covers. When he found out i knew how to knit he asked if i'd be willing to make them. I said sure, something new to try. I did some research online in regards to a pattern. I figured a lot of them were too difficult so i decided to make myself one. This was the first product of the golf club cover. It was a bit big for the driver but it was a good indication of what i needed to change. I want to perfect the pattern a bit more before actually posting it.




Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mommy and Callie time....

With the nice weather and the fact that it's still daylight out around 6pm i've been taking Callie on a walk when it's not cold outside. I took my camera as i find it fun to capture moments of Callie especially something she loves doing.





Oh yeah puppy has to go everywhere with Callie.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy 7th Anniversary

This is my Flash Back Friday!

My anniversary isn't until technically Monday but it's a great way to start a weekend. :D When i look at this picture i think wow Jeff has not changed. Me on the other hand, um yeah! I've probably put on 20-30 lbs (having a baby is no excuse anymore she's almost 3) My hair is even darker, way darker. I still even have my dress, veil and headpiece. I can't bare to get rid of it. I also love this picture becuase the date shows on it, April 26-2003!


wedding pic

Oh yarn how i love thee

So i've become such an avid knitter that i find it so theraputic i try to do it every night. I'll sit in front of the TV and let my fingers do the work. Some people ask how i'm able to do that and i have no clue but for me it's a great stress reliever. :) Finding something in your life that relieves stress is a great way to heal yourself after a day a long day of craziness.

Last weekend a couple of girlfriends and myself went to a yarn store in Listowel. I thought i'd share what i bought.


Upclose View

Another upclose view

So what will i make with all of this you ask. Well i am in the process of learning how to make socks, i have an Afghan i am making for my sis and bro in law for their 5th year Anniversary! I am also making a shawl for myself and a golf club cover (with my own pattern)

What i'm currently reading....

I was walking through the mall on Monday and saw a book that said knitting. I only got the title as i didn't really have time to stop and read the back cover of the book. When i got back to the office, i googled the book and it sounded really interesting. So the next day i took a special trip to Chapters and bought it. I'm not that far in it, but so far from what i'm reading i'm enjoying it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh how i love Yarn!

So this weekend a couple of girlfriends and i drove down to Listowel, Ont. (40 mins. from KW) to a Yarn store. When we pulled up the store was pretty small but i was not disappointed. There was so much yarn i was all giddy! Did i buy anything? Um, yeah of course i did! I spent the most out of the 3 of us. Sad as it may be, but i found so many cool yarns that i could make stuff with, well mainly for my 3 year old daughter. I have yet to attempt to make myself something, knitting smaller clothes is easier. But the bigger she gets the bigger the pattern. I'll have to try to take a photo of all the yarn i bought and show you what i plan to make with it.

They are currently having a huge sale http://www.spinriteyarns.com/ if you feel like checking it out!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring time outside

With the nice weather here it's time to spend our evenings and weekends outside with the child. Callie loves playing outside and it beats sitting inside trying to find ways to do something besides watching TV. Now that the weather is getting nicer each day it's a great way to burn energy and to help Callie sleep much better at night.


It's a twin thing

So this is my very first Flash Back Friday's. I've been following this really cool blog The Adventures of Christopher and Tia! Great blog if you have time to check it out, plus her kids are just too darn cute!

Thought i'd attempt my very first flash back Friday! I decided to start simple and use a picture of my twin sister and i as kids. We were inseperable growing up to the point of wearing the same clothes but Jess in Red and i was in Blue. To this day she wears Red and i wear Blue. We never wear each other's colors, only because i don't like Red and she's not a fan of Blue. Funny how you are programmed as a kid to wear a certain color. Apparently we also had a bit thing for Strawberry Shortcake and would wear this shirt relentlessly.

Now i look at this picture and i actually have no clue which one i am.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

In just over a month....

I am heading to Montreal to the coolest Festival i have ever attended. I have attended other Music festivals, such as Edgefest, Summersault and a few others. This will be my first with this kind of festival and i am so excited for it!

Who am i really looking forward to seeing....well Covenant obviously but of course Rotersand. I've seen them before and they are amazing live! Tickets have been purchased, i have a place to stay, now i'm just waiting for the tickets to show up to make it even more real.